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(804) 640-0370

(434) 216-2512

7:00am - 5:00pm
Monday - Friday


Save Money and the Look of Your Home With Quality Replacement Windows

One of the best home improvement projects you can invest in is new windows!

Choosing to invest in modern, energy-efficient windows will lower your energy bills and increase your home’s value. Here at JC Siding & Construction, we have earned our reputation for excellence by providing premium quality products at a fair price. If you’re looking for a subtle and affordable upgrade to your home, consider replacement windows.

More Than a Way to Look Outside

Choosing to invest in modern, energy-efficient windows will lower your energy bills and also raise the value of your home. Some of the advantages of switching out your old windows for new ones include:

  • You close up existing drafts that might cause your HVAC system to work harder than it has to.
  • You save money on your energy bills.
  • You can add style to your home in a way that won’t break the bank.
  • You can potentially add to the overall value of your home.

We Specialize in Window Replacement

We’ve got the experience you need for superior window results! While JC Siding & Construction was started in 2013, our owners have several decades of combined experience in the construction business. No matter how big or small you’re looking to go with your window replacement, we’ve got you covered.
Ready to see what you’ve been missing without new windows? Contact us online today or call us directly at Richmond: (804) 640-0370 and Lynchburg: (434) 216-2512

JC Siding + Construction provides high-quality repairs for all kinds of windows. Allow us to take care of your window needs in the Richmond, Lynchburg, and surrounding areas.